The Releasing of the Truth Energy

During the healing session for Mother Earth on December 18th (8.00-8.30 PM – CET), the meditation will be dedicated to the release of the Truth Energy, an aspect of the red female energy in the core of Mother Earth. Our cosmic friends in the giant network around the Earth will participate in the ceremony, but it is of the utmost importance that representatives of humanity also participate. It is we ourselves who must shape our own destiny according to the Cosmic Law of Non-Intervention. Our cosmic friends can help us, and act as an extension of us, but they must not do the work for us.

~ The truth is waiting to be released ~

We live in very turbulent times, and the question of what is true or not is more relevant than ever. The whole reality we live in is based on a gigantic lie. The power elite has always lied to us, but with the so-called ”pandemic” and all the abuses that the Earth’s population has been subjected to in its wake, more and more people are beginning to question the ”truth” they are being fed.


Both the mass media and social media are censoring the truth on a large scale, but it has begun to seep through clues that point to the truth in here and there. The Truth is there and patiently waiting to be released. There are infinitely many truths waiting to rise to the surface, from the truth about the ”pandemic” and the ”vaccines” – to the Truth about the larger cosmic reality, and the illusory Matrix reality we live in. We all have our individual perception of what which is true, but what unites us in meditation is our desire for the Truth to come out, no matter what it looks like!

~ All true change begins in the inner energy reality ~

It is incredibly important to remember that all change that takes place in the external reality is only a reflection of what happens in the internal energy reality. It’s therefore the inner energy work that is actually the most important of all, and that which enables the spreading of the Truth in the outer reality. December 18th we will do a ceremony where we, together with our cosmic and over-dimensional friends, work for the release of the Truth Energy, and in this way change the energy reality so that the Truth Energy can have an flow more freely on Earth. The time has come for the release of the Truth, now that the lie is at its strongest. Remember that ”it is never as dark as just before dawn”.


~ The destruction of the ”dam” in the higher dimensions ~

When we’re start the healing ceremony, let’s all start by focusing on the giant blockage in the higher dimensions that prevents the Truth Energy from flowing freely. Visualize it as a pond, holding back massive amounts of water. Together, we’ll visualize that cracks begin to form in the dam, until it completely cracks up and is crushed under the masses of water, which then rushes forward with an incredible force!


Since I still can not channel in the same way as Maria could, the guides often give me symbols. They show me the scene in ”Frozen 2” where Anna destroys the big pond. The guides say that the scene contains a lot of divine symbolism. Anna symbolizes the human on Earth, that by uttering ”Destroy the dam!” activates the stone giants, who symbolize our cosmic friends, who then begin to throw their boulders (symbol of their powerful energies) to crush the dam, a symbol of removing the blockage that prevents the Truth Energy from flowing freely.

~ Instructions for sending healing to Mother Earth ~

Sit down to meditate. Sit outside if you have the possibility. Avoid having technology near you if possible (human technology and it’s radiation are concentrated male energy). Make sure you have full contact with the seating area and the floor or ground. Hold your cupped palms together as in prayer and let them rest in your lap. Take a few deep breaths, relax your whole body, and clear your mind of distracting thoughts. Get mentally ready to work as a channel for the red Mother Earth energy and focus your intention on retrieving the energy from the Earth. Read the prayer for Mother Earth (see below), aloud or in your mind. Add the line ”Open your gates and release the Truth Energy!”


Visualize a giant dam in the higher dimensions, which represents the energy blocking that holds back the Truth Energy. When you do, you automatically tune in to the right blocking. Visualize how cracks begin to form in the pond, which eventually causes it to burst completely and gigantic amounts of the red Truth Energy rush out! 


Visualize how a channel opens up from the center of the Earth, and how the glowing red female energy begins to flow up through your feet, rear and hands. Let the energy fill your whole body and then continue on from you to the worldwide network of nature spirits, spiritual Masters and cosmic civilizations, that will spread the energies to the places on Earth where they are needed most. Once you have opened up the energy flow, just focus on being present in the Now. It’s individual how the energy feels, but it works whether you feel anything or not.

Excerpt from one of Marias channelings about inner change creating the outer change: 

Humanity’s ascension will not happen by itself. You have to work, as individual souls, with your personal development. It’s the internal development process that is important. That is what determines your entire future. Be aware of that all this focus on the outer development, in channelings today all over the Earth,  makes you forget what is what. Of course you should celebrate what is happening in the outer world on Earth, of course it’s important that you follow the progress and what’s happening now that the power elite is losing its grip on the Earth and humanity, and that their whole power system and the whole Matrix is falling. This is of course incredibly encouraging news, and a very important part of the process. But remember – and this is very, very important that you understand – that the changes occurring in the external reality, such as the power elite losing their grip on Earth, are only the results of the changes taking place in higher dimensions, in the internal energy reality. It’s the internal energy reality that creates the external reality.


Humanity’s collective and individual spiritual development, and Earth’s spiritual development, create and affect the changes that occur in the outer, physical reality on Earth. This means that humanity’s ability to create a real change in the physical world, and to free themselves from the power elite and the Matrix’ grip around them, can only be done through inner work. It’s the internal energy reality that creates the outer physical world. Everything else is illusion. The sooner you understand how it fits together, the faster you will also be able to affect your outer reality through working with your inner spiritual development. Even though the power elite is losing its grip on humanity in the external reality, humans as individuals will still need to work with their inner prison world. Otherwise, they will only create new forms of prisons in the outer physical world, until the day they heal the root cause of the problem inside of themselves. It’s very important that you understand this.