Build on technique 5: Heal blockages in the higher dimensions

With this build-on technique you will learn to seek out blockages in the higher dimensions of reality and to go there through astral travel to heal them. Astral travel is when your consciousness travels beyond your physical body to other parts of Infinity beyond time and space. Astral travel is something that we all do even if we aren’t aware of it, for example when we dream, meditate and visualize. This technique is about doing it consciously. It’s a very powerful method to dissolve the blockages that are the origin of the problems, imbalances and obstacles you experience in your life.

Our blockages are not only located in our chakras in the physical body, or even in our aura as we imagine it. Our energy bodies are actually ONE with all of Infinity, and we have blockages in a number of different dimensions of reality. To give you a symbolic picture of this, imagine how your energy body or aura has an infinite number of layers that extend far into Infinity. In each layer there are different types of blockages that all have a direct connection to you and your karma, and that all affect you and your life in different ways. It’s all these blockages that separate all of us from our natural state as Divine Beings.


There are tentacles, or energy channels, reaching out from our energy bodies to an infinite number of places beyond time and space in Infinity. Putting it simply, you can say that there are energy portals that both charge you with energy and life force in different ways, but there are also energy portals that steal your energy and life force in different ways. These ”places” can be, for example, your previous incarnations, your cosmic family and your personal energy sources, but also connection to systems of blockages, manipulation and destructiveness. The connection to all these energetic places that both give you and steal your energy forms the foundation of your current existence.

Art by Silvio Veira

Everything that happens in your development, all victories and all setbacks, are connected to your inner energy reality and all these energy channels to different dimensions of Infinity. Through this build-on technique, you will learn to astral travel to the various ”layers” and dimensions of Infinity to seek out specific blockages that are blocking or stealing your energy, and to dissolve them manually.


Before you try this technique and do your first astral travel, begin by doing an inner ceremony where you obtain a sacred Sword of Light that you will use when clearing blockages during your astral travels. You only need to do this ceremony once. 


Preparation Ceremony: Obtain a Sword of Light



Once you have obtained your lightsaber and feel sufficiently grounded and anchored in your basic security, you are ready to go to the higher dimensions to release blockages


~ Step 1: Find the dimension where the blockage is located ~

Prepare for your dimensional journey by grounding yourself again for a while. When you feel ready, focus on the problem or blockage that you want to resolve and heal. For example, it could be about an infection in the eye, an unbalanced need for control, an energy implant that feeds you with destructive thoughts, an infected relationship, or a traumatic memory from a previous life. You can heal just about anything by focusing on the blockage that created the problem, but some deep-seated blockages can, as mentioned earlier, take a very long time to heal completely.


Tap into into the feeling and pain associated with your problem and you will create an energy connection to the blockage that created it, helping you to show the way to the blockage in the higher dimensions. Then imagine yourself going to the dimension where the blockage that created your problem can be found. For example, you can imagine that you are following a tunnel of light into Infinity, which leads to a door that leads into the dimension where the blockage exists. Open the door and enter the dimension. You may see visions of what the dimension looks like. It can be anything from colors and energy formations, to visions of specific places or worlds, or just a special feeling But even if you don’t see anything, it is important that you have confidence that you are still in the dimension in question!

Art by Silvio Veira
~ Step 2: Create a vision of the blockage ~

Then imagine how you seek out the blockage, and stand in front of it. The blockage can look or feel just about any way you can possibly imagine (or didn’t think you could imagine). You may see an energy formation or a black hole. You may see an iron ball, a machine or a monster. You may see a large high-tech system, a large group of destructive creatures, or an entire world of destructivity. There are no limitations to how these blockages, beings or systems can express themselves – so keep an open mind and don’t be afraid. You will only be confronted with what you are ready to confront.

An example of what you might encounter in them when you search for the origin of a blockage. A destructive entity that is connected to a machinery that feeds it energy, where you need to dissolve both the entity and the machinery with your Sword of Light.

It’s very important that you have confidence in and stick to what you see. In this way, you also strengthen your trust in your intuition and your ability to visualize. Remember that everything you can visualize also exists and is happening for real in the higher dimensions. The expression ”wild imagination” is actually an ability to go to other dimensions and experience other aspects of reality, so therefore there are no limitations to what the dimensions and blockages can look like. If you don’t see anything at all, you can imagine what you think the blockage might look like. This also works, because you tune into the blockage energetically! If you feel blocked in your visualization ability, you can use the same ”image” as a symbol of the blockage each time – for example, a large rock – until one day the image begins to take new forms.


~ Step 3: Dissolve the blockage ~

Imagine yourself standing in front of the blockage, with both feet firmly on the ground in complete contact with the Primal Strength from within Mother Earth. Take your Sword of Light and slowly cut a cross through the blockage, from top to bottom, and from side to side. Watch the blockage dissolve in front of you. Use your intuition to feel if it is completely dissolved or if you need to repeat the procedure several times. A sign that it is not fully resolved may be that it feels ”difficult” or even ”impossible” to pass the sword through it, and this may be because you need to work further with the grounding to achieve the power required to heal that particular blockage.

If you feel like the blockage is recreating itself over and over even though you are dissolving it, imagine that you are following a ”cord” from the blockage that leads you to an even bigger blockage that generates energy for the blockage you are trying to dissolve . The cord can, for example, lead to a huge machine or a power plant. Then imagine grabbing the plug and pulling out the cord. Then cut a large cross through the machine or power plant (or whatever you visualize) with your Sword of Light, and watch it dissolve.


Sometimes you may find that the blockage has more layers and is much larger than you first thought or had access to seeing. For example, it could be that you bring your Sword of Light through a high-rise building, and then you discover that the high-rise belongs to a whole city of high-rise buildings. But when you run your Sword of Light through the city, you discover that it belongs to a whole planet of cities – and then you instead run your Sword of Light through the entire planet to dissolve it.This is how the work in the limitless higher dimensions could look like!


In the case of larger blockages (for example, linked to deeply rooted behavioral patterns and life trauma) you may need to return to them regularly over a long period to heal new layers of them that are activated gradually. If you feel that your problem persists despite the healing, it’s because it is a very powerful blockage that you are working with, which you need to heal several layers of before you notice any difference in your life. But it’s important to remember that every time you work on the blockage, it makes a difference, and you’re one step closer to having it completely resolved.

You can also call for help from your various guides, although they are most definitely already there supporting and helping you when you make your astral journeys. You can say a prayer to call to you the guides who have the specific energies needed to dissolve the blockage in question, and then they will hear your prayer and come to you – sometimes from distant parts of Infinity!


It is important to understand that your infinite energy body holds enormous amounts of blockages, improgrammings, implants, traumas, and negative karma from countless incarnations in countless layers — reaching far into Infinity. The way to heal them is to work methodically to heal layer by layer of them until they are completely dissolved. The more grounded you are and the longer you have been doing these exercises, the stronger your spiritual power and your ability to visualize and dissolve larger and larger blockages in shorter and shorter periods of time will be.


This is a very powerful and potent method to use in combination with the grounding and the other building techniques, which you can work with for years and years to accelerate your spiritual transformation process in a decisive way!


Good luck!!! An entire world of possibilities is waiting for you!


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