That which wasn’t supposed to happen

– A personal story from a lightworker in the middle of a cosmic drama
Part 1: Before it happened

Background: About the Mother Earth Network / A resistance that was not of this world / That which wasn’t supposed to happen



Background: About the Mother Earth Network

For those of you who come into contact with the Mother Earth network for the first time, I will start with a brief background. 


The Mother Earth Network is a global spiritual network that was run between 2009-2017 by me, Manne Lindberg, and my soulmate Maria Bertram (that started it 2008), from Norrtälje outside of Stockholm, Sweden. Maria started the Network after she had a spiritual awakening and received instructions from her guides, and I met her and joined thereafter. 


Running the network was part of our mutual life task here on Earth, as a part of the transition to the New Spiritual Age. We lived, to a large degree, outside of the Matrix in our cottage with children for ten years, to be free to focus on our spiritual development and the running of the Network.

Maria and me (2009)

The main activity was spreading Maria’s extensive, profound channelings with spiritual guidance from sources such as the Divine Consciousness (”God”) and enlightened civilizations in the Cosmos, and spreading a healing technique for profound grounding and spiritual transformation Mother Earth Healing.


Every month we also arranged global healing sessions for Mother Earth together with our members, through channeled instructions. We also held public gatherings where Maria channeled messages, always with free admission. The network has around 5000 members.

Maria prepares to channel Toisheeba from the Galactic Federation (2011)

Maria’s pure, profound and powerful channelings touched many people to tears, recognition and insight, and she had a loyal reader base. The core of the messages is about humanity’s spiritual awakening and transformation, the healing of Mother Earth, the transition to the New Spiritual Age, the balance between male and female energy, the importance of profound grounding, humanity’s cosmic and divine origin, and the lifting of Earth’s cosmic quarantine.


But now something has happened. Something that changes everything forever…


~ A resistance that was not of this world ~

When me and Maria started publishing her channelings through the Mother Earth Network, we experienced a strange combination of success and setbacks. Large numbers of people contacted us and told us how touched they were by our channelings, and how much they appreciated our work. But at the same time, very strange negative things began to happen. Through the years of running the Network, we experienced that we were being worked against, both in small and big. Our guides later confirmed that we actually were being worked against. We have mentioned this shortly before but no one has been able to understand the magnitude, hardly even ourselves. Maria was the main target. 


Our guides told us that it was both the power elite on Earth, but also malevolent cosmic civilizations and destructive extra-dimensional beings who worked against us in a variety of ways to prevent our message from reaching out, since our message constituted an enormous threat to them. They are all terrified that the message about profound grounding will come out, since they know that it will lead to humans coming in contact with their inner Truth, their inner Primordial Strength and that it speeds up their spiritual transformation. They are also terrified of us coming in contact with our inner divinity, the guidance from enlightened civilizations, and our own cosmic origin. After all, it’s humanity’s spiritual awakening and transformation, and the return of the female energy, that will be their downfall, and these different groups know that. 


Large numbers of lightworkers, whistleblowers and truth tellers all over the world are regularly exposed to different kinds of attacks, because their message constitutes a threat (which have become even more obvious with the extreme censoring during this so-called “pandemic”). But it’s not just about the obvious attacks such as threats and shutting down social media accounts. Our guides also told us how both the power elite,  malevolent civilizations and destructive extra-dimensional beings, and destructive beings in higher dimensions are using various forms of energy weapons, mind control and ”black magic” to target their opponents without being ”seen on the radar”. 


The guides pointed out that they carefully oversaw the attacks against us, and that we were protected from all that we weren’t meant to experience. All that we were exposed to, we have chosen ourselves, and have been a part of creating, on a higher level, they are part of our soul contracts. So it’s important to point out that we are no victims, despite all the pain and despair we have experienced. Below follows a number of examples of strange occurrences, that our guides have confirmed are conscious attacks against us, so that you can get examples of how many different levels they operate on. 


    • Maria was subjected to energy attacks every time she would make a new channeling to spread publicly, which delayed them by months and sometimes YEARS. Same thing with our public gatherings. We held our last one in 2011 and didn’t manage to arrange any after that. 
    • Our Facebook group was infiltrated by agents, partly ”atheists” who devoted enormous amounts of energy to questioning and ridiculing (until we realized we could just block them). The group was also spammed in coordinated efforts, with provocative images with Satanic and Nazi hate messages. 
    • Our website at the time was repeatedly being hacked until it could no longer be rescued, and as soon as I stopped paying for the website, someone bought the rights to the domain name, and is still paying for it, several years later. The newsletter (separate service) was also hacked several times.  
    • Agents disguised as lightworkers were sent out to offer cooperation with us and to become our friends, and some tried to invite themselves into our home (even from abroad). But fortunately Marias intuition and guides could expose them.
    • They tried to set me up with other women through mind control. Sexual and romantic thoughts that were NOT mine were often planted in my head but I would never buy into it, since I had already met my soulmate Maria. Our guides told us that similar thoughts were also placed in the heads of women around me. 
    • Maria gained a lot of weight out of nowhere in a short period of time, without changing her diet or lifestyle whatsoever. 
    • Maria’s eyesight was mysteriously but seriously distorted in periods. 
    • My eyesight was also manipulated. ”Blind spots” were created in my field of view multiple times when I drove the car, which lead to minor accidents. For example I backed into a stationary car that ”was not there” at first, even though I looked straight at it.
    • Both Maria and I discovered how very destructive and manipulative thoughts that were definitely NOT our own appeared in our heads.
    • Parts of the cottage we lived in were made energetically uninhabitable for Maria at times (like if a person with electricity hypersensitivity would enter a room with “electric shock” energies). 
    • Every car we had was broken down through energy attacks, and we had to scrap and buy a new car on average once every year for eight straight years (which was devastating for us who lived quite isolated and hardly had any steady income).
    • When Maria started giving private sessions with channeled spiritual guidance in 2017, she was attacked energetically during the sessions to the point that the sessions eventually became impossible to carry out, and after only a few months she had to stop completely. 
    • People close to us were energetically manipulated to turn on us, or even to turn against us. During the last years we could not keep any relationships at all but stood completely alone. 
    • In addition, we experienced ”bad luck” and ”accidents” to a degree that we had never experienced before.

These examples are just a fraction of everything that we were exposed to, some of which I can’t even mention… We were also told by our guides about even worse attacks that were stopped. All this happened constantly from the time we released our first channeling. It was a form of energy torture that we lived under for over ten years. But at the same time, we were constantly guided on how to deal with that which came up, how to heal the blockages and energy systems that tortured us, and how we could protect ourselves energy-wise. It was after all our spiritual journey, and I can tell you that there was no shortage of ”material” to work with in order to grow. 


Maria and I always felt that we, despite all, had the energy protection we needed, and we always felt that we were meant to continue with our life task, no matter what. We were never victims, even if it sure could feel like that at times. We are, like everyone else, co-creators of our own reality, and all of this is something that we on some level have chosen to experience. For karma reasons, based on our soul contracts, some attacks were let through the energy protection, while others were stopped. That which was meant to happen, happened, and that which was not meant to happen, didn’t happen. The energies control everything, and we always had the energy protection we needed. The destructive forces are NOT almighty and something to be afraid of.


But what was then let through the energy protection, was so inconceivable that I to this day can’t understand how it could have been meant to be.

~ That which wasn’t supposed to happen ~

We were, in other words, used to serious things happening to us, but we always got through them. But in the spring of 2018, Maria began to feel worse, and was diagnosed with malignant breast cancer. We felt that this was yet another challenge that we could heal and get through, and we had full confidence in our energy protection. Maria worked tirelessly with healing work with her cosmic network of helpers, but neither the healing nor the chemotherapy could stop the progression of the cancer. When Maria was diagnosed with cancer, she was also pregnant with our son Emil. But to our great sorrow and despair, he did not survive. His heart stopped beating after half the pregnancy. We had a beautiful ceremony with the family where we spread his ashes in the sea from a boat outside of Norrtälje where we lived. I will get back to Emil later in the text. 


The spreading of Maria’s cancer was subdued for periods and stayed on ”plateaus” at times, and sometimes seemed to start reversing temporarily. But the more it spread, to the skeleton and the spine, the more her mobility deteriorated. She lost her hair from the chemotherapy, her spine was compressed and her body was distorted, and she went in and out of the hospital. She endured unspeakable pain, both mental and physical. We had to install handicap aid in our home and she had to use a walker and wheelchair during periods. The medical and physical therapy personnel who met Maria said that they had never before met anyone with such fighting spirit and positivity, despite the difficult situation she was in. She was something else.

Maria continued to walk her path on Earth, despite all the obstacles.

In the fall of 2019, we had the opportunity to move to a different house that would suit us better. After further complications with Maria’s health and a blood disease that made her dependent on constant blood transfusions multiple times a week to survive, the cancer spread further, now also up to her head and brain. The skeleton was further infected, and her eyesight deteriorated until it was completely gone. It had now been two years since the diagnosis, and she was beyond rescue. I cared for her at home all the way to the end. On March 2nd, 2020, she passed away. I sat holding her hand as she took her last breath in her bed, while her soul left the body to return to the Divine Source.


That which wasn’t supposed to happen, happened. My shock, despair and sorrow completely overpowered me. Beloved, wonderful Maria.


Rest in peace Maria Bertram 1972 - 2020
Continue reading in Part 2 or go back to the overview.