The Invincible Ones’ second interplanetary energy transmission to Earth and humanity


On the spring equinox, March 20th, 2010, the ascended civilization The Invincible Ones carried out their second interplanetary energy transmission to us on Earth. This is what Dibarak said when he invited to this second energy transmission: 


“The energy transmission on January 7th this year was a very loving and joyful experience for our people. We are so incredibly grateful for the enormous interest and engagement that you humans showed by taking part in the energy transmission and by your reception of our messages and our energies. We felt a fantastic feeling of unity and love with you during the whole healing session, and we were so incredibly happy to see all these open hearts on Earth today; all the willpower, all the wishes that you carry – to create change in your life, and to create change on Earth.


We would like to take part in the work to develop this process, to help you open up to the divine energies and the love, and to inspire you to see new possibilities and new paths to walk. We would like to support you and give you the strength that we feel humanity in many respects is missing today. The strength to get up and create change, both on the inner plane and in your own personal life, but also the strength to create change in bigger contexts. […]


We would like to invite you to another energy transmission for Earth’s people during the spring, and our hope is that as many of you as possible will be able to participate. The energy transmission will take place during the vernal [spring] equinox, March 20th, between 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm [CET]. We are inviting all humans on Earth to take part in this energy transmission, and just like last time, to open up to what we have to give to you. The energies will help you activate the process to prepare you for the transition to the New Spiritual Age, and the entrance into the 5th dimension. The transmission is a continuation of the healing energy transmission that took place on January 7th. All of our civilization is waiting with excitement and joy to take part in this energy transmission, and all of us will send our healing energies simultaneously. We will send you inspiring images, messages and visions this time too – for those of you who are open to receive them”.


When Maria asked how many people had participated, she was told that around 1350 people on Earth actively participated, through meditating and opening up to the energies and the visions. Maria contributed with her deep grounding by anchoring the energies that The Invincible Ones sent to humanity and Earth. The energies, the red female energies (strength) that humanity is lacking, went to all humans on Earth but those who participated actively could of course receive them in a more powerful way through opening up to them. 

Maria’s and Manne’s visions

After the energy transmission we (Manne and Maria) were guided to go to an energy center, a power place which is like a mini-mountain on a field, close to our home. There, Maria saw a large number of The Invincible Ones coming towards us to stand in a large ring around us and the energy center, in their etheric form. They all had shining light between their hands. They stood murmuring prayers or mantras. They activated the black hole in the middle of our galaxy, and with energies from the black hole they sent healing energies to Earth through the power spot where we stood. Maria saw how the energies went from the black hole in the starry sky down through the energy center. The energy center was very active and felt almost like boiling lava. Afterwards The Invincible Ones said they had finished, bowed and disappeared slowly in different directions. It was a very powerful and beautiful experience. 


Before we get into our members’ experiences and visions, I (Manne) want to share my visions of the New Earth during the energy transmission. It feels like this energy transmission helped me open up my third eye, since I have never had such detailed visions before. I saw a number of visions of the New Earth, that show how our relationship will be with Earth, nature, each other, extraterrestrials, food, animals, psychic abilities, nature spirits, physical needs, children, and cosmic knowledge. 


“First I saw an image of an African woman outside a simple straw hut, with two babies crawling outside on the stomped brown ground. To me, this symbolizes that we will be more grounded, live more simply, and have closer contact with nature and the Earth. I also see the woman and the babies as a symbol of us being more in touch with Earth’s female fertility energies. 


Then I saw a big ring of people sitting on the ground singing. In the ring, one person stands out, and I see that it’s an extraterrestrial. She is much shorter than the rest, around 1 meter tall, reminding me of an elf. She wears a long violet dress with a tight hood that covers her hair, but you can still see her pointy ears. She sings along in the song, but with a remarkably higher tone that still fits perfectly into the rest of the people’s song, and gives it an extra dimension.

Then I’m seeing an image of how we eat berries, fruits and nuts right from the bushes and trees. I feel how I am eating red berries, and how I am using peeled walnuts like a spoon to eat out of an avocado cut in half, and they taste lovely together. 


The next image I see is humans in a jungle with big old trees and how we are climbing the thick trees, and swinging between the branches. Our bodies are very fit, and we climb the trees freely like monkeys. On one branch a man is sitting next to a big beautiful colorful parrot of human size (!). He’s holding his arm around it, leaning his head towards the soft feathers. It is red with some yellow and blue areas. I don’t know if the vision means that we will have huge parrots on Earth in the future, or if it’s rather a symbol for a closer bond between humans and animals. 

Then I’m seeing how people are hanging out by a lake, and swimming. In this scene, I see it from a first hand perspective. I feel how I’m diving deep into the sea, and with my third eye I see a huge water elemental (a nature spirit) which reminds of a mooray eel. We are communicating telepathically with each other, and he tells me about the energy balance in the sea and how we humans can help him balance the energies of the lake.

Then I’m swimming deeper down with him and it feels like I can swim freely like a fish, without needing to get up to catch air. I feel that this symbolizes that our physical needs and functions will change.

Then I’m back with the people that sat in a ring singing. Now they are all sitting in silence watching a child in a diaper that stands in the middle of the ring. It is a reverent atmosphere, and everyone sits and watches the child with reverence and deep focus. The child stands and holds up her hands in the air in some kind of healing ceremony. All of a sudden she quickly brings her hands down, while shouting out ”BA!!!” and bursts out laughing. The people sitting in the ring flinch and all start laughing out loud with the child. This symbolizes that the children will be our teachers, both in spiritual wisdom, but also in being playful and not to take life so seriously. I also understood that the baby received the male energies from the Cosmos, and the female energies from below, which creates the Highest Divine Energy of Love and that this is what the New Human will embody.

The last image I see is how a spaceship has landed before the group who are now standing up together watching. Before the spaceship there is a being standing, reminiscent of ”Chewbacca” from Star Wars, but with longer fur and a more “enlightened” appearance. He holds up his palm and above it a diamond or a crystal is hovering, and he is teaching the humans telepathically how to use crystals for healing and free energy. 


Somehow I can really feel that this actually is a possible future I have seen glimpses of, that I am a part of creating!”

Our readers’ experiences and visions

We have taken part of lot’s of people’s stories, from Sweden and the world. This time many people continued to see visions of the New Spiritual Age, but many more also had visions of how Mother Earth is being healed. This is interesting since the female energies they sent are the energies that are lacking on the surface of the Earth today, the ones Earth needs to be healed. Here is a selection of the stories: 


”I received information that through the loving union of all participants in the Dibarak-meditation, Mother Earth is cleansed and Her meridian system is strengthened. Mother Earth is not weak as we have thought. She has a strength that we will see during the time to come. She is Divine in her being. She is the other half of the true God. We should be happy about Her awakening, that we will see in all vegetation and animal life. She is waiting impatiently to bring forth the woman on the Earth. It’s through this change that the new world can be manifested. She said:


‘You, my beloved Daughter, let your feet dig deep into the soil and let Me heal You. Let Me teach You to communicate with Me. Let Me show You how interlinked we are, how You, through being woman, also honor Me. Trust your intuition and let Me strengthen You. When You are sad or worried, just come to Me and lay down with Me for a while and I will show You the solution’.


I received healing too, my hands had like pillars in the middle. It was very powerful. I am grateful and humbled by participating in this spiritual journey.”




”There were 11 of us left that awaited the meditation at 8:00. We felt the presence of light beings behind us that greeted us welcome and thanked us for sitting there. I tuned in on Mother Earth and saw the future as totally wonderful. Amazing colours on everything. The water was like a woman lying enjoying herself, full of life and joy. I took an apple from a very beautiful green apple tree, and it tasted so sweet and good. When I walked on a path a wolf came to me which I patted on the head like a kind dog, and then he walked away. A bit further down the path a monkey came and took my hand and walked along with me. Everything radiated joy, harmony and love. Like a true paradise.


The same unity was everywhere. The humans had no secrets; they greeted each other in a respectful and nice way when they met. They could read others’ thoughts by sending out a certain energy. But if you didn’t want to be completely open you could draw back the thought energies so that others could not read them. Then I was drawn into Mother Earth’s core and she welcomed me to feel her beating pulse and vibrations from her. It felt like it was important to her that I helped her from within. I felt how we melted together and I became like her twin sister, since we both have a crystal in our most inner interior and our energies felt similar. I could feel that she had blockages and was in pain. I felt that she could not release the block in other ways than natural disasters. That’s why it was so important to her that I helped her since she didn’t like having to create disasters and hurt her beloved beings that are living on her body. […]


I got to see and feel what an enormous support Earth has from light workers from other parts of the Universe. The love and the energy they sent her were so wonderful and light. It was such a unity between Earth and Universe and I was really touched. Everyone only wanted the best for her. At the same time it was like Mother Earth was about to give birth to a child. She knew she had a tremendous pain before her and that then it would be over and everything would be good. That’s why it’s so important to Mother Earth that she receives all the help she can get from all directions as quickly and painfully as possible. This is what I experienced during the meditation. Maybe it wasn’t quite what was meant, but I felt that I had enormous energies that I passed on to our beloved Mother Earth. Thanks for letting me take part of this and all the energies I received. ”




”In the meditation March 20th, I saw the Earth being covered with flowers and the polluted water just flowed off the globe. Three golden anchors were lowered and attached to the globe and the Earth started spinning at an extremely high rate. People and things, weapons among other things, were thrown off the face of the Earth. Outside of the Earth there was a bright ring of light that took care of everything.”




”Tears of joy poured down my cheeks during the meditation and I sensed a circulating, vibrating and powerful healing energy. I got an inner picture of united light points covering our wonderful planet. I experienced that I was placed outside Earth and that I was playfully spinning and playing around it. I was satisfied to register that humankind has made progress and I felt excited, free, happy and unlimited. Weapons had been transformed to flowers. The ground, air and water had been purified from destruction and pollution. Humans held each other and helped one another. I experienced a world in balance, love, justice, harmony and joy and I also saw two spiritual symbols. I feel immensely grateful and happy for having been able to participate in this wonderful and powerful meditation. I finished it by visualizing giving our cosmic friends beautiful, red roses as a token of my true gratitude and joy. When the meditation was over I was filled with the feeling of being deeply loved. THANK YOU!”




”I would like to share my experiences during the meditation on March 20, at 20.00 pm. First of all I wish to say that it was very powerful! It almost felt like I was going to float up from the chair I was seated in. After a little while it felt as if I was holding the Earth in my hands and tucking her in, putting her in cotton-wool, sending her lots of love. After that it felt as if I was wandering among a bunch of angels, it was as if they were listening to someone or something and I could only see their backs. As if I had entered a concert or something similar and nobody knew I was there. I stroked their wings and could feel how soft they were – and I realized that I too had wings! – which was fortunate, because the “ground” was only like a “fog” and I could not see my feet. Suddenly I found myself at the front and someone put something blue in my mouth. It felt like blue light.

After that I went fast, fast out in space: lots of stars flashed by, and it was then that four symbols came towards me very fast, so fast that I couldn’t register them thoroughly enough, or find out what they were. I’m attaching a picture of the symbols. I tried to draw them the best I could, but it went so fast that they could have appeared slightly different in “reality”. The first symbol was a triangle, it was blue. It shone as if it was a neon sign. It had certain “dots” in it, or stars, as when you draw a star image. The next one was a red square, the third a green eight-sided symbol, and the last was like a plus sign and it was yellow. All of them shone like neon signs and looked almost like when you draw a star image. It would be nice if somebody else saw these symbols! I will try to meditate again to find out what they are and/or what they mean. If you or anyone else could see this I would like to know, I am so curious!

We were three people meditating at the same time and we all felt strong energies and experienced Earth as a harmonious place to live in. There was no sense of cars, and we lived in harmony with nature. Hope you had as wonderful an experience as we did, we await with excitement the next newsletter and to hear other stories. THANK YOU for the invitation!”






”Here’s some of what I got during the meditation. It actually started already on Friday. While I was having a massage powerful images started to flow through my unconscious mind. I was flying over a beautiful luminous ocean and over a vividly green Earth. I could see the entire planet emit powerful beams of white light, that the Earth had been reborn and was having a renaissance. She was now radiant and pure in her beauty. The water was crystal clear. I was in a forest, and it felt as if I had been reborn too. I was naked and had only just ‘landed’ there. My whole body glowed with a shining white aura. I was the new human. I walked carefully through the forest, treading gently. When, later that evening, I got home and read the email, I recalled my intense experience and understood why I had had it. 


During  Saturday’s meditation my experience continued. I was flying swiftly above the Earth’s surface from North to South Pole. It was very much as I have described. There stretched the ocean in its infinite beauty, pollution-free, pure and shining. The Earth was fertile and green, free of toxins and glowing in its beauty and purity. Everything growing was a vivid emerald green. I was travelling through the Earth’s meridian-field, first horizontally then vertically. Every meridian was fully activated, and they formed a luminous network around Mother Earth. I observed an axis extending from the South to the North Poles: that too was activated and extended in a white spiral between the poles. Its function was crucial, to maintain the Earth’s position in the cosmic space.

Once again I saw myself in a wood, sitting with others round a fire. And everything felt pure, intensely alive and natural – the clothes we wore, the barbecued food we were eating. Both we and our surroundings were radiant, and our world was a true source of nourishment, life and abundance. We were content and lacked nothing. The atmosphere had a crystalline quality; and the Earth genuinely felt like home. Then I was back in the room and present time. I could see the other civilisation sitting in a circle in deep meditation. In the center a crystal was at that moment radiating a deep pink light. An amazing healing glow illuminated the entire room. The crystal sent out beams of light to the Earth and to each individual in the room. They were able to stay focussed and maintain their vision for long periods, and even to communicate without words. I saw a hologram of pink light that was to be created on the Earth: I saw it as being drop-shaped. Pink symbolized the heart of humanity, to open to love for themselves and the planet, and to the heart of the Earth itself. They seemed very much aware of how to direct and utilize their thoughts to create the ideal and to focus on their goals”.




My experiences were different and real. After a while an emerald green colour came and surrounded me. After that came a soft pink color and took its place in front of me, took my hands and gave me energy/healing and love. My dog that lay on the floor next to the bed where I sat reacted immediately when the pink light came by ”growling” where she lay. She kept ”growling” all the time while the energy had contact with me, and she that likes lying in my bed next to me stayed on the floor. As soon as I experienced the pink energy taking farewell, my dog jumped up on the bed and lay down by my feet. The rest of the meditation was a deep and strong experience of peace and stillness in a soft light together with the pulse in my heart. Afterwards I was a little dizzy, but my dog slept deeply the rest of the night 🙂 Thank you, and I hope for more lovely meditations together. 




Sat down quickly in the chilly night. I needed a blanket, something warm by the feet. I spread my legs immediately, and it felt like I was going to give birth. I saw a valley far below. A pouring river, beautiful colors, flowery. Big wings all of a sudden grew out from my back and I flew down over the valley with sweeping wings. Followed the river and registered that it was free for all vegetation to spread how they liked. Returned to my original spot for rest. A short while poisonous gasses rose from holes close to the river, the air became like a grey fog, everything was silent. All of a sudden there were many of us, many beings with wings sweeping down over the valley along the river, in silence, but cooperated. The air once again became clear and the sight unlimited. The presence felt strong, a presence of Life. After the night’s sleep, I woke up to another chilly morning, but with a strong feeling of how to move on with my life. Love!



”My meditation started with Dibarak welcoming everybody. Then I was taken on a trip around our Earth and I saw all the wonderful women that I saw last time. It started with the native American woman that I now know is White Buffalo Calf Woman. This time an Eskimo woman was added, a woman from Russia, also from Spain, Portugal, England and France. Then once again came the male and female being carrying the big triangular document. As soon as I saw them coming towards me I objected, thinking that I was not supposed to read this. The answer I was given was ‘Yes you can too, now come closer’. When they held the triangle closer to me there was no text this time, but rather an opening, with strong lights and hazy veils. It was a portal! – that I was invited to come through. As soon as I floated in there two beings followed me through the portal. 


I floated around in the light for a while, until I finally arrived and was floating over a beautiful beach filled with beings. Everyone stood facing in the direction I came from. They were deeply concentrated with their arms hanging by their sides and the palms facing in the direction I was coming from. My two guides took me gently by my elbows and dropped me on the beach among a few others standing there: they turned me so that I was facing Mother Earth. I immediately thought ‘Ooh, I could stand here forever sending healing to our beloved Earth!’ But no, I only got to stand there for a short moment, then they lifted me up above everyone again. 


’But where are we going now?’ I was wondering. The answer came ’You are to see one of our Elders’. We flew a bit and came to a hall where we landed and we all three kneeled and bowed deeply. In the hall on a big throne of some light rock/clay material a man from Dibarak’s people was sitting, in a beautiful cape. I had to walk up to him alone and he said : ‘Here is your task: You are to spread light and love’. All of a sudden facing the other way I was floating away from him, and in my cupped hands I had a wonderful little flame. I was surprised by my hasty departure but managed to turn around and ask ‘But how am I supposed to manage to do that??’. The answer came directly from him and the others ”The answer is in your heart”. Just before I disappeared out of the room I quickly thanked them (which I am very grateful that I had the sense to do). 


Then my guides took me back over the beach and in towards Mother Earth and through the portal. I kept floating with my hands cupped and the little flame burning inside them. When it was time to come back to Earth I realized all of a sudden that I could not keep this little flame in my hands – it wouldn’t have survived out there in the world, so I asked what to do now. They placed the little flame in my heart, where it now shines protected from everything. Can you imagine? – I have a little flame in my heart – how fantastic, and how happy and humble I feel. 


Oh well, the next big thing that happened for me during this night was that I saw Mother Earth from a distance in the Universe and I saw the fantastic shining grid around her. I have always only watched it from a distance, but this time I could come into the net that was shining like a light diode; and then all of us in the net sent very powerful energies to Mother Earth, just like laser cannons, but with white bright light. When we did this, a transformation of the outermost layer of Earth happened – the layer filled with pollution, toxins, grey and black energies etc. That layer just flowed off the Earth, down the South pole out through our energy net, just like pieces of ash. When all the ash had poured off, the Earth rose a little, we in the net followed and the globe was now clean and beautiful, like a wonderful crystal ball with light transparent rainbow colors. Then I heard the words ‘She will make it, she (Mother Earth) is going to make it’, and I was filled with an inner peace, knowing that she will survive. Dibarak finished off by thanking everyone that had participated”.