Preparation ceremony: Obtain a Sword of Light

Before you try this technique and do your first astral travel, begin by doing an inner ceremony where you receive a sacred Sword of Light that you will use when clearing blockages during your astral travels.

Start by sitting down to meditate. Visualize opening up the channel of red energy from the Earth’s inner core, just like when you give yourself Mother Earth healing.


Then ask your guides to be guided to the dimension where a group of Light Beings are waiting to assign you your lightsaber. Imagine opening a door leading into the dimension, and walking through it. Visualize being met by a group of Light Beings.


In other words, this ceremony is not only symbolic, but there are Light Beings in higher dimensions whose job it is to hand out these lightsabers to those who ask for it – and when you visualize it, it happens in reality, in the higher dimensions. There can be different types of groups of light beings depending on where you are in your spiritual journey, and depending on who are tasked with assigning you your personal Sword of Light.


One of them steps forward and holds out a glowing sacred Sword of Light, with the handle pointed at you. Say a prayer expressing that you are ready, and that you will handle the sword with respect and always at one with a Divine Purpose.


The sword consists of the Divine Light or the Highest Divine Power of Love, that is, the perfect balance between the male light energy and the female darkness energy. In other words, the sword heals the blockage or destructive consciousness it comes into contact with, bringing it back to Divine Source.


Below is an example of a prayer, but feel free to formulate it in your own words.

Visualize receiving the Sword of Light, and finish by sending them your gratitude and love.


When you perform this ceremony, they will activate your ability to use the Sword of Light. They can also give you further guidance in the use of your lightsaber, if you are receptive to it. Sometimes this guidance happens intuitively, that you just ”know” or ”feel” how to use it.


You only need to do this ceremony once. Once you have been assigned your Sword of Light, you always have it with you, and you always have access to it when you need it.


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