Build-on technique 3: Mantras

Once you have started giving yourself Mother Earth healing, you can combine the healing with mantras. A mantra is a concise sentence that you repeat inside of you or aloud during the healing session in order to reinforce and direct the healing and thus create your own reality. It’s simply a matter of formulating your intentions in words. Mantras are personal and can be formulated in a variety of ways, for example for a specific blockage that you want to heal (”I have healed the blockage in my stomach”) or a goal you want to achieve (”I stand up for my wisdom in all situations”). You can start combining Mother Earth healing with mantras as soon as you have started sending yourself healing regularly.

You can use mantras to send healing to just about anything in your life, from physical symptoms to more general aspects of your life. Your feelings, behaviors and the happenings in your life show you which blockages are most relevant to work with at the moment. You can use mantras to send the healing to, for example, various body parts, diseases, physical ailments, chakras, behavioral patterns, fears, traumas, relationships, problems, visions and life goals. The entire ”reality” we live in consists of energy, and every single problem that you experience in your life are based on an energy blockage in the inner energy reality, in the small as in the big. By using mantras, you can direct your healing to the very energy blockage that has caused your current problem.


Anyone can create their own mantras. All that you need is an intention to heal something within yourself, since the outer reality is only a reflection of the inner reality. Try to create as concise and rhythmic a mantra as possible so that it is as smooth as possible to repeat. But sometimes a longer, more ungainly mantra may be needed to formulate exactly what you want to heal, and that’s fine. 


Many of the examples below begin with ”I have healed…” and in cases where it fits into the melody of the mantra, you can reinforce it by saying ”I have completely healed…”. Emphasize certain syllables in your mantra so that it has a good rhythm and melody (”I have comPLETely HEALED the BLOCKage in my HEART”)


The use of categorical words such as ”always” and ”never” in the examples below (”I have healed the root cause of always ending up abandoned” or ”I have healed my anxiety about never having enough money”) are not to be taken literally, but emotions are not rational and the purpose of your mantra is to help you get in touch with your emotion, because the emotion is a form of energy portal that leads you to the blockage in question.


Five levels to start from when creating your mantra

Depending on how much you know about the blockage that you want to heal, you can send healing to it on several different levels. Below are examples of five different levels that you can use as starting points when designing your personal mantra.

1. Start from the root cause of your problem

If you are experiencing a problem but do not know how to formulate the mantra, you can always send healing to the very root cause of the problem. Your Higher Self and your guides will help you direct the healing to the very blockage that caused your problem. They clearly see the connection between your problem and the energy blockage in question with their multidimensional vision.


  • ”I have healed the root cause of always arriving late”
  • ”I have the whole root cause of never getting started with my painting”
  • ”I have healed the root cause of always ending up abandoned”
2. Start from a physical symptom

Every physical symptom you experience, from a splinter in your pinky toe to a life-threatening disease, originates in one or more energy blockages in the inner energy reality. It is your personal soul contract and your karma that determines how much you have the opportunity to heal in this life. But by directing the healing towards the symptom you are experiencing, you begin the healing of the energy blockage that is the cause of  the symptom.


  • ”I have healed the blockage that makes me always cut my finger”
  • ”I have healed the blockage that creates the pain in my back”
  • ”I have healed the blockage in my right ear”
3. Start from the emotional pain

Just as physical pain, all emotional pain is based on blockages in the inner energy reality, and by sending healing to them, you begin the healing process of them.


  • ”I have healed my anxiety about never having enough money”
  • ”I have healed the fear of standing up for my truth”
  • ”I have healed the pain of my father abandoning me”
4. Start from the chakra system

If you are familiar with the chakra system, it can be an effective tool for sending healing to specific energy blockages that are located in specific chakras. Our chakras are seven main energy centers (although there are more) in our energy body that represent different aspects of our spiritual, mental and physical development. By learning more about the chakra system, you can get clues to which chakra a certain blockage is located in. For example, if you get a sore throat, it means that you have a blockage in the Throat Chakra, if you feel emotionally cold, it means that you have a blockage in the Heart Chakra, and if you suffer from a unhealthy need for control, it means that you have a blockage in the Sacral Chakra. Read more in the our Guide to the Chakra System (previously unpublished).


  • ”I have healed the blockage in the Solar Plexus Chakra”
  • ”I have healed the blockage in the Third Eye Chakra that creates my migraine”
  • ”I have healed the blockage in the Throat Chakra that makes me not daring to stand up for my truth”
5. Start from a goal you want to achieve

In addition to sending healing to specific problems or blockages, you can also use positive mantras where you focus on exactly what you want to achieve. It also means that the healing is indirectly sent to the blockage or blockages that prevent you from achieving your goal, at the same time as the goal is strengthened. It can be about both large and small, short-term and long-term, specific and general goals. This type of positive mantra is also often referred to as ”affirmations”. 


A good method when you want to heal a certain problem, is that you first focus on sending healing to the current blockage in question, and then when you feel finished, switch to sending healing to the positive vision of the situation when the blockage is not hindering you anymore (eg first ”I have healed the blockage in the Sacral Chakra that makes me sexually inhibited” and then ”I am completely free in my sexual flow”).


  • ”I am successful in my music creation”
  • ”I have complete confidence in other people”
  • ”I am one with the Divine Abundance”

Start the healing session as usual, by visualizing that you open a channel from the Earth’s inner core that fills you with red energy. Then repeat the mantra inside or out loud. Feel inward how long you need to send healing to the specific blockage. Often, several sessions, sometimes for a long time, may be needed to complete the blockage. 


Blockages often consist of several layers, so when you have healed a layer, it may happen that the blocking is then activated at a higher level, and then it is just a matter of continuing at the next healing session. If the problem you are sending healing to comes back or even gets worse, it is important not to see it as a setback, but rather as a success even if it hurts – it just means that you have come closer to the core of the blockage that you want to heal. Going to the core of a blockage is a way to face your pain in order to heal it in depth. In the fourth build-on technique, there is an even more powerful method for you who want to take the healing of your blockages in depth to yet another level.


A common problem is that you experience blockages that prevent you from channeling the female energy during the healing sessions, for example as blockages in your grounding channel or difficulties in focusing during the healing session. There are many such blockages that are placed there in the collective consciousness of humanity that we are all affected by more or less. Then simply send Mother Earth Healing to the problem using a mantra (for example, ”I have healed the root cause of my blocked ear canal”).


You can also continue use mantras with repetitive movements such as meditative walking or swimming.


Good luck with your work with mantras in your healing process!