UFO-pictures from the Truth Energy ceremony
On December 18th, during the ceremony for releasing the Truth Energy, which we did together with our cosmic friends, several spaceships appeared in the form of dots of light above the forest where I was sitting. Click here to see the pictures!
The message from Kaleidos from the Pleiadian Council
Around 2012, rumors were circulating about a public UFO landing during the Olympic Games, which came from a channeling that was widely spread. Maria was contacted by Kaleidos from the Pleiadian Council who wanted to clear up the misunderstanding, and talked about distorted channelings, why we are not ready for public landings and personal meetings, and the importance of inner work and grounding. “Why humanity is not ready for an official landing” Presentation / The channeling situation today /…
Emils imprint on Earth – On the new energy portal and the activation through the Lucia celebration
In this article, I bring up the unlikely and touching story of when our son died in Maria’s womb, but how he later told us that he came here to establish an energy portal. I also bring up the synchronicity in today’s Lucia celebration where ”his” song was sung and I got a new message from him. EMIL’S IMPRINT ON EARTH – How a light being descended to Earth and turned back again to create an energy portal…
40 years of heavenly spirals! A compilation of The Invincible Ones’ light projections 1981-2021
Here comes a mega-article that I worked on full time for three weeks, with a compilation of the Invincible Light projections on Earth for 40 years. I have found over 20 projections, and I alternate them with Dibarak’s comments and media cover-up stories. 40 YEARS OF HEAVENLY SPIRALS! Background – how it all started for us / Presentation of Dibarak and ”The Invincible Ones” / Compiling the light projections / Media’s cover-up stories / The composition of the article…
”We have come to show ourselves to you” – A dialogue with a UFO in the night sky
Here comes an unreleased channeling from 2009 that I was guided to release now. It’s a little different from the channelings we’ve released before. It consists of an unexpected dialogue we had with a ”UFO” that appeared in the night sky. It was the first time we experienced something like this. “We have come to show ourselves to you” Channeling of ”The Bear Dogs” from ”Kyran”, Galactic Federation, September 6th, 2009 (Published November 18th, 2021) The night when the UFO showed up…
Toisheebas passionate revival speech
Here is an updated version of the extraterrestrial woman Toisheeba’s appreciated channeling from 2011, with new illustrations and a colored version of Maria’s drawing of her. “Wake up from the TV-haze” Channeling of Toisheeba from “Arrakas”, Galactic Federation, with audience, Stockholm, May 9th 2011 Presentation / The first official landings / The meaning of all life / You need to ground yourselves / Wake up from the TV haze / We are your ancestors / The fear of malevolent civilizations /…
Maria’s first astral journey to the spaceship of a UFO video
Now I have posted Maria’s channeling of Himaalih, which she comes in contact with by making an astral journey to a spaceship in a controversial UFO video. He leaves a very straightforward and radical message that we need to work deeply with our spiritual development to prepare for the transition to the New Spiritual Age. “All of this happens for real. All of this happens in reality” Channeling of Himaalih from “The Myradees”, December 27th, 2010 Background –…
The third channeling of the Divine Consciousness is added
I’ve added an updated version of the third channeling of the Divine Consciousness (”God”). It’s from a public channeling in Stockholm 2009. It’s about spiritual transformation and different aspects of the transition to the New Spiritual Age. Enjoy! “Humanity is about to take a leap in its development of consciousness” Channeling of the Divine Consciousness with audience, Stockholm, November 24th, 2009 Time to wake up / The society you have created on Earth / Desires and addictions / Open…
Dibarak’s massive third channeling is added
Now I’m done with the updated version of Dibarak’s third channeling. It is massive both in scope and content. In this channeling, Dibarak provides a profound explanation of how the energy reality will change with the transition to the 5th dimension. He also gives us a spiritual guidance on a high level on how to best prepare for the energy change through dedicated spiritual work. He explains why our spiritual transformation is a precondition to be able to live on…
Dibaraks’s first two channelings and energy transmission stories added
I have worked Friday-Sunday with some new texts and am finally done, phiew! The first two channelings of Dibarak, each with its associated spiral of light and interplanetary energy transmission to humanity, are added. I have also put a lot of work into finding suitable images for the texts. In addition to the channeling, I also highly recommend reading the visions from the interplanetary energy transfers, both strong and touching stories from our readers! As engaging, if not more, as…